contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us. There's a slightly more detailed form under 'Drop Us A Line', but for a quick note, this will do just fine.

33 Hawley Street
Northampton, MA 01060

Renovations Updates

We've gone dark!

Northampton Community Arts Trust

After roughly five months of allowing our tenants public use of the building on weekends and afternoons/evenings, we now enter a phase of renovations that requires us to close the building to the public through the end of November. This time allows for extensive work in the lobby and gallery areas, and the completion of much of the infrastructure for the Workroom. The lobby will see a concessions area built out, touches to a box office, new flooring and new office space. The art gallery space will be finished and painted. Walls in the Workroom will be painted, a new sprung floor laid down, catwalks erected and finishing touches put to a green room, catering support area, dressing rooms and much needed storage space for our building partners. 33 Hawley will be back in business in late November/early December and all our building partners look forward to inviting the public in to enjoy performances, classes, exhibitions and more. See ya then.