Funding details
Significant public and private contributions to date, evidencing our broad community support, include:
2013: $1.5 million contribution from Arts Trust board member Gordon Thorne, used to repay loans from board members for the acquisition.
2013: $350,000 in contributions from other Arts Trust board members.
2014: $180,000 grant to promote community development and tourism from the Massachusetts Office for Administration and Finance.
2014: $140,000 grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council’s Cultural Facilities Fund (CFF) for Phase 1; 100% required match met with individual gifts.
2015: $1.5 million loan from Gordon Thorne, through A.P.E., Ltd, at a very low interest rate. $900,000 repaid with gifts from individuals. Gordon died in the summer of 2018; in February 2020 his widow forgave the remaining $600,000 balance of the loan. All interest was also donated back to the Arts Trust. The property is now entirely unencumbered by debt.
2015: $50,000 grant from the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts; 100% required match met with individual gifts.
2015: $35,000 grant from the Beveridge Family Foundation.
2015: $25,000 grant from C&S Grocers.
2016: $300,000 Cultural Facilities Fund grant for Phase 2.
2016: $400,000 contribution from the Northampton Center for the Arts, used to more than match the CFF grant.
2016: $100,000 contribution from Smith College.
2017: $500,000 grant from the Massachusetts Office of Housing and Economic Development.
2017: $62,400 Community Development Block Grant from the City of Northampton for emergency areas of refuge for persons with disabilities.
2017: $150,000 contribution from an anonymous donor.
2018: $700,000 contribution from an anonymous donor.
2018: $75,000 CFF grant for improvements to the exterior site; 100% required match met with individual gifts.
2018: $15,000 grant from the Peace Development Fund.
2019: $100,000 contribution from an anonymous donor.
2019: $50,000 contribution from Smith College.
2019: $15,000 contribution from Greenfield/Northampton Cooperative Bank.
2019: $95,000 bequest from the Estate of Margaret M. Murray.
2020: $40,000 grant from the Richard Schwarz Family Foundation.
2020: $200,000 Community Development Block Grant from the City of Northampton to rehabilitate the central section of the parking lot to increase accessibility.
2020: $25,000 supplemental State earmark.
2020: $100,000 CFF grant for the first stage of Phase 3, the partial renovation of the Workroom/Theater, 100% matched with individual gifts.
2021: $75,000 Sound Foundations challenge grant by a donor group, 100% matched with donations from the community, to build soundproofing walls in the Workroom Theater.
2021: $10,000 contribution from the Center for the Arts as a match for the Sound Foundations challenge grant
2022: $100,000 Massachusetts ARPA Spending Bill Earmark.
2022: $156,000 bequest from the Estate of Katherine Hibshman.
2022: $2.5 million federal Community Project Funding grant.
2022: $150,000 CFF matching grant for completion of the lobby and art gallery.